Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello Hello

I have created this blog as a requirement for a government class I am taking at Austin Community College. I've been away from formal education for a little over three years and this is my first semester back in college since I was 20. I spent the spring of 2010 and re-evaluating my goals in life and have found my true calling to be a teacher. Taking this class is one of my first steps towards what I hope will be a rewarding career in education. I am hoping this class will serve to expand my knowledge of current events and the world political climate. 

My political views are varied, and I can't really say I lean left or right. I fully support gay marriage and a woman's right to choose. On the other hand, I am completely against gun control and the ever-increasing reach of the government into our private lives. My political activism so far is limited to voting in local elections and the 2008 presidential election. 

I took the civics quiz recommended by our professor, and scored 87.88 percent, which is apparently above average for the month of September. I don't know how accurate the statistics are, but according to the table provided by the website, we as citizens are more knowledgable about civic affairs than our elected officials. That fact scares the living (insert your favorite expletive here) out of me. I'm looking forward to this semester and reading everyone else's blogs.